To the last detail


Normally, this is not in line with our philosophy that manuals should be necessary for using KIS.ME. Nevertheless, we do not want to deny you our extensive documentation of all functions. In our two manuals we have really described every little detail in order to provide an answer to every question.

With the KIS.ME User Manual you will find a description and instructions for all functions in KIS.MANAGER.

The KPI manual deals specifically with the functions for KPI calculation in KIS.MANAGER.

The Integration Guide illustrates the technical topics related to the infrastructure required for KIS.ME.

The KIS.ME Quick Start Guide is included as a print version in the KIS.ME Starter Kit and supports the onboarding of the KIS.Devices.


Our product brochure shows the most important functions at a glance.

Guide for users of KIS.ME

Dive into the fascinating world of the Internet of Things (IoT) and get comprehensive information and insights. Discover the far-reaching potential of KIS.ME and take advantage of the KIS.API to communicate seamlessly with external applications and efficiently expand your IoT ecosystem.


If you are not a supporter of long documentations, we can recommend you our various tutorial videos. The most important functions are explained in an understandable way in two topic blocks.

You can also find some videos on KPI calculation and the necessary basics.